Monday, September 5, 2011

Hurricanes couldn't stop me from planning and coordinating all the details still left on our Wedding To Do List. Of course, having no electricity and no computer slowed me down a little.
Irene will definitely not be invited to wedding. Especially after her behavior here in Richmond. 
Fawn and I made it through the last week. We've got through the rain, as the great performer Barry Manilow once sang. 
He also sang "At The Copa...Copacabana" but I have yet to find a correlation to hurricane survival for that lyric. To be honest I didn't work that hard. It's Manilow for Pete's sake, not Tennyson.
Fawn and I got through it together. It's nice to know that the person you're going to spend the rest of your life is someone that won't lose their shit in a hurricane. Besides some apprehension about trees landing on the house-and honestly-who wouldn't have some apprehension about trees falling on their house during a hurricane?-she was a real trooper. 
We sat in the dark together and we raked leaves together when it was all over. 
We did other things too. 
Hey! We had candles everywhere in the house! It was really romantic. 
I now understand why pioneer families were so big. I mean, after you put the cows in the barn and eat dinner, what is there to do? It's 8:30PM, it's dark and well, you know. 
When people ask me how we survived the storm, I tell them we did our best to ride it out. 

Je. Matzer~Goin' To The Chapel
All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. Ah, those romantic storm-tossed nights. The sound of the wind in the trees, the gentle patter of the rain against the windows, the glow of the candles on the table as we attempt to play Scrabble. The silence from the sump pump that's supposed to keep my basement from flooding. Dreaming of the mildew that will soon be creeping up the walls. It's probably already starting to grow in the now-warming refrigerator. Yep, we're ready to ride out the storm. Anxiety-free. So why is my lovely bride sharpening the knives again?
