Wednesday, August 10, 2011

peel stick fold insert
peel stick fold insert
peel stick fold insert
peel stick fold insert
peel stick fold insert
peel stick fold insert
peel stick fold insert
peel stick fold insert
peel stick fold insert
peel stick fold insert

Yep. Working on invitations today. 

As I may have mentioned, one of the books I am depending on for guidance through this little adventure has been The Complete Idiot's Guide to Wedding Planning. 
I've never considered myself a complete idiot. Some parts are missing, as they say, but the book has been helpful if not a little confusing now and then. 
Case in point, the formalities and etiquette involved in addressing envelopes. 
Good LORD almighty. 
I personally have never been offended by how an envelope was addressed to me. Sure. There is the occasional Ms. Jody Matzer but other than that, I'm a pretty easy going guy. 
I have never been so nervous about writing someone's address on an envelope before the last few days. So many rules. So many do's and don't's.
Never one to offend the wedding gods, I have tried to tow the line and dot my I's and cross my T's and not abbreviate anything. 
The pressure. The pressure. 

Je. Matzer~Goin' To The Chapel
All Rights Reserved

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