Sunday, September 25, 2011

I don't know. Maybe it's me. Maybe emotions are running a little high. Maybe the stress of everything is getting to me. Maybe I'm just wrong. Or crazy. That latter being a distinct possibility. At least people who knew me really well wouldn't argue the point. 
As I've said in previous entries, I've been married just one time before and if things go as planned my upcoming marriage in...oh let's check Mr. seems we're at 21 days and counting, this will be the last time I get married. 
I don't remember much from my first wedding other than it was hot, I sweated a lot and the reception lasted about 16 minutes. Mainly because it was hot and I was covered in sweat. I can only guess. 
My point, and yes, I do have one, is that I just don't remember any politics involved in the process of planning that wedding. I hate politics, any kind of politics and politics is that last thing anyone should have to deal with when they're planning a wedding. 
Here's how I look at it. 
We're not the Trump's or the Gates' or even The Kardashians' with a television network backing us with wheelbarrows full of money. We're just simple folks with a limited budget who want to make our wedding day as special as it can be, surrounded by the people we love and cherish and who in turn love and cherish us. 
Where did manners go? Just simple every day courtesy? 
Here's how I feel right now. If you don't want to come to our wedding, for whatever reason, and you need never tell us the reason, then please don't. We want people who want to be there.
It's a wedding, for Pete's Sake, not a court-mandated traffic class. 
If you don't want to come, it's okay. The world will not end. It would be nice to know, one way or the other though. 
I keep reading that this is common. 
And I guess that's what I am having a problem with today. 
It is common. The lack of manners is common place today and it would be nice if we were all just a little more respectful of one another. 
It's like that list of things you learned in kindergarten. Although the only things I learned in kindergarten were:

Paper that has butterscotch pudding finger paintings on it is d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s.
NEVER, ever, go into a clothes closet with a girl. Even if she has Goldfish crackers. 
And finally...
Everyone wears underpants but what you do in your own underpants is your business and no one else's. 

This post is probably coming off as a little angry today and I guess some part of me is angry and needs to vent a little. It's one of the reasons I created the blog. Well. That and all the money, of course. 
I started the day yesterday with a God-awful migraine, like there's good ones, and I'm just a little cranky today, I guess. 
I am just a little miffed, for lack of a better word. Although some of my other choices were peeved, irked and vexed. Vexed was a little too Shakespearean, though and I knew someone was bound to give me shit for it. 
I'm going to wait til after the wedding though, to give any details. 
Maybe I will calm down a little by then. Less chance of hurting someone's feelings and Lord knows, I'm all about that. 
It's just amazing to me how insensitive people can be. 
'Nuff said.
Didn't mean to bum anybody out. As you were. Go enjoy what's left of your Sunday. 

Go EAGLES!  (for everyone on Fawn's side of the family)
Go GIANTS!   (for my Dad)

Who am I rooting for really?
Me. Fawn. And that little bald penguin who was abandoned by its parents. 

Je. Matzer~Goin' To The Chapel

All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Jody and Most Wonderful Fawn,

    Your wedding day will be the most wonderful day in the whole Universe. Ever. Almost as good as the day when you both suddenly realized that you were madly in love with each other, and stars and sunshine started pouring out of your eyes and the whole world was brighter and cleaner and more amazing than it had ever been throughout Time. And each day of your lives together from that point on will get better and better such that you cannot even imagine at this moment how utterly beautiful that life will be. And in those days, all the problems and pettiness of the past will disappear like a misty, ethereal cloud because the love you have for each other will so outshine the past that there will be no room for it. May the forthcoming memories of that glorious day wipe from your mind any and all unworthy thoughts or treatment. You are precious people who deserve the best.
