Thursday, June 16, 2011


Fawn and I are so totally touched by the outpouring of love and affection (and patience and persistence)...we are speechless. No. Really. We are. I know that's hard to believe-especially if you have ever sat down to dinner with us or gone on a long car ride with us or bumped into us at the grocery store...

Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind.  "Pooh!" he whispered.  "Yes, Piglet?"  "Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw.  "I just wanted to be sure of you."  ~A.A. Milne

We are extrememly fortunate to have you in our lives.

Thank you. 
Thank you. 
Thank you. 

Jody and Fawn
The Future Mr. and Mrs. 

Sunday, June 5, 2011

I looked at a calendar yesterday and realized that June 16th is just 11 days away. Not exactly Earth-shattering news to you and not really the most impressive math either. Here's the thing though. In 11 days it will be June 16th and four months from that date Fawn and I will be getting married. 
Four months. 
By the zestful zither of Zeus!"
(Who knew Zeus played the zither?)
Where the Hell did the time go? Can I please get the last three months back? Where's Doc Brown and his Flux Capicator when you need him?
Okay. Quick checklist:







Guest List?


Table Settings?


Music Set List?


Man, you're doing pretty well. Let's keep going. Shall we?



Beer and Wine?

Well, we know what we don't want.


Yes and no. We're looking for penguins. It's a long story.

Honeymoon Destination?

Thailand and Iceland are definitely off the list!


Working on it. 

Honeymoon Date?

October. Probably after the wedding.

Save the Date doo-hickey and invitations?

In the planning stages. On the drawing board. Literally. 

Final Decision on Tuxedo style?
Final Decision on Tuxedo style?

Move along please. I will be wearing pants. Probably.



Table clothes, silverware, napkins and glassware?

This week. I swear. Probably.

You've got some serious work to do. You know that right?

Thanks. I wasn't aware. 



Je. Matzer~Goin' To The Chapel
All Rights Reserved

Let the games begin!

As some of you are aware, Fawn and I have entered our wedding story in a contest. Photographer Jen Sinclair is offering a free wedding photography package as the prize. A generous prize indeed.
What? A FREE wedding package? Let me just say that when you're planning a wedding and hear the word free it's very exciting. Very give-me-a-second-I-need-to-be-alone exciting. Believe me, at this stage of the game, if someone offered us free pogo sticks and sparklers, we'd probably take them. I'm not exactly sure how pogo sticks and sparklers would fit into our whole casual and elegant theme, but if they were free, we would sure find a way. 
Like I said, a lot of you are already aware of the contest and our story and so many of our friends have already taken the time to go to the site and post a comment. To those of you who have done so, Fawn and I wanted to let you know that we are so grateful for your time and generosity of friendship.
If you are considering going to Jen Sinclair's Photography blogspot website (I'll put the link below) there is something you should know. The winners of this package will be selected based on the number of comments but also, and I think more importantly, on the content of the comments. In other words, she is reading the posts left and looking for comments on the couples' stories
She would prefer that people not just write "Jody and Fawn should win. 'Cuz I said so." I should also mention that comments such as "Jody and Fawn should win because they once saved a bus load of orphans from a going over a cliff in a school bus" can, and will, be confirmed with just a little research on GOOGLE. 
For the record, it was not a bus load of orphans in a school bus about to go over a cliff. It was in fact a group of miners in Chile. Go ahead. GOOGLE it! The story was all over the Internet back in October of 2010. 
Every contest has its rules and we are crossing every T and dotting every I because we really want to win. If you read our story and have something to say about it please take the time to post a comment. 
However...having said that. 
Apparently it's not easy to post a comment. I have three blogspot websites and I know it can be a little tricky to post a comment. Unfortunately, this particular site is set up in a way so that you can't just write a comment, hit ENTER and it appears a few seconds later. 
Below is a link in which someone had listed the steps to leaving a comment on a blogspot website. 
I tried to comment on the site to thank the person, but I couldn't figure out how to. 
So, if you're having problems leaving a comment, see if this step-by-step how to can help:

Several friends have told us they have posted comments but that nothing has appeared on the site. I wish I knew what to say. I'm guessing that maybe Jen is reviewing the comments to make sure there is nothing she wouldn't want on her site, like profanity or ads for Viagra. 
If that's the case and there are posts remaining to be proofed, then Fawn and I might actually have more posts than are currently showing. 
As of today, we are competing with only one other couple. We are ahead of them right now in regards to the number of comments. That can change at any time though. It's gonna be a horse-race, for sure. 
I'm confident we can win this though. Our story is so much better and doesn't include stories of jail time or bar room fights and drug-fueled car chases through the streets of Moscow or the horrors of monkey fighting (not people fighting monkeys but monkeys fighting monkeys with weapons fashioned out of household kitchen utensils)
Okay. So. I may have made that last part up. The other couple seems very nice and I'm sure they wouldn't condone monkey fighting and blah blah blah...nice nice and blah blah blah.
The kid gloves are off! Give me a bus and I'll throw someone under it. We're talking about a free photography package? FREE! Photography! Package! People!
I'm joking of course. That whole last part was written in good natured, spirit-of-competition jest. 
You read their story and decide for yourselves whose is the better. (ours ours ours)
Just let me remind a select group of you reading this. I still have the jump drive with all the photos on it. You know who you are. You know what you did. 'Nuff said?
We good? Good.

The last day to post a comment looks to be June 14th. 
For those of you who have not yet visited the photographer's site, here is the address:

I can't begin to tell you how much this would mean to Fawn and I. 
I can try though. 
It would mean we could spend the money originally intended for a photographer on, oh, I don't know, silly things like chairs and tablecloths. 
I'm kidding. We can't afford the tables so there's no need for the tablecloths. I'M KIDDING. 
I'm a kidder. It's what I do. I kid. 
I am dead serious though in regards to how much Fawn and I appreciate you even going to the site and reading our story, much less leaving a comment. 
So thank you. 
THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for doing this for us. 

With much love, 
Jody and Fawn

Je. Matzer~Goin' To The Chapel

All Rights Reserved